速報APP / 生產應用 / Screen Colors Filter PRO

Screen Colors Filter PRO


檔案大小:600.7 KB

版本需求:OS X 10.10 或以上版本,64 位元處理器


Screen Colors Filter PRO(圖1)-速報App

Screen Colors Filter PRO blocks high-energy visible light (HEV light) in the violet/blue band

from 400 to 500 nm in the visible spectrum & designed for those who works a lot at night.

When you're in a low-light environment or reading long book changing white background

to black background is really helpful.

Limit your Mac screen exposure to energy-efficient lighting and reduce eye strain

to help you focus on the most important things on the screen.

Screen Colors Filter PRO(圖2)-速報App

Change the colors of your screen to reduce the amount of blue light.

Key features:

– Keyboard shortcuts for easily activation/deactivation (check app settings)

– Work efficiently in low light environment

– Dim slider to fine tune screen colors filter

– Completely invert screen colors palette

Screen Colors Filter PRO(圖3)-速報App

– 16 presets for your convenience

– Screen ruler & autostart timer

Screen Colors Filter PRO(圖4)-速報App